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Design direction & management

Design direction
There may be occasions when you feel a particular project is most efficiently handled by your own team in-house: it doesn't require any special resouces that you don't already have. You have people who can create drawings; you have people who can write the text; you have a print supplier who can do the job. But the ideas so far are looking... well, uninspired; a bit flat; lacking that spark, that wow factor.

Maybe your team needs some design direction to get them on the right track. Some carefully considered and experienced creative input from a design professional with a fresh and independent viewpoint, uncluttered from internal politics and bias, to help acheive the visually arresting project you had hoped for, but without committing the whole thing to an external supplier.

Photographic direction
Another key ingredient in a successful visually rich project, but often ignored or overlooked because the importance of good photographic or creative direction was underestimated or misunderstood.

Digital photography has made it so much easier to get a picture into a publication, but doesn't guarantee that it's a good image. It's very often the case that pictures are taken without any thought or pre-planning as to their role or use within a publication.

Design management
PCDS can also assist with managing creatie design based projects in circumstances where you may not have anyone in-house with the required skills or experience to perform effective critiques of subjective creative work; or to communicate ideas and concepts to other creatives or non-creatives.

We can also help you develop initial and detailed briefs for creative projects for print, screen and web.




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Print management

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